Creating a Sustainable School

Written byNatasha Morgan

British Educational Suppliers Association are hosting this interactive webinar on ‘Creating a Sustainable School’ on Tuesday 17th October.

Sponsored by E.ON, the interactive webinar will examine funding, planning, collaboration and how to embed a sustainable ethos throughout educational institutions. Registration is free of charge to professionals in schools and universities. Attendees can collaborate through interactive polls, networking chat and more. All speakers will feature in a live discussion and Q and A session, where the poll results will be discussed along with the questions that you put to the experts.

To register, click here

Thought-provoking programme 

Lucy Archer of Let’s Go Zero will explain how the organisation supports school leaders and local authorities to carry out emission-reducing projects which inspire young people and the wider community.

United Nations Accredited teacher of Climate Change Jack Harty explores how Kingsley School in Devon embeds sustainable, environmental and ecological themes at both curriculum and operational levels.

We will hear from architect and sustainable education project specialist Christian Dimbleby how Hackbridge Primary in London was designed and built to the ‘PassivHaus Plus’ standard, becoming the UK’s first true net zero carbon school.

Niel McLean of BCS – The Chartered Institute of IT – will detail how schools can benefit from sustainable technology both inside and outside of the classroom, while Dave Butters of E.ON will discuss electric vehicle charging infrastructure and the smart way for schools and universities to future-proof their provision.


To register, click here


British Educational Suppliers Association are hosting this interactive webinar on ‘Creating a Sustainable School’ on Tuesday 17th October.

Sponsored by E.ON, the interactive webinar will examine funding, planning, collaboration and how to embed a sustainable ethos throughout educational institutions. Registration is free of charge to professionals in schools and universities. Attendees can collaborate through interactive polls, networking chat and more. All speakers will feature in a live discussion and Q and A session, where the poll results will be discussed along with the questions that you put to the experts.

To register, click here

Thought-provoking programme 

Lucy Archer of Let’s Go Zero will explain how the organisation supports school leaders and local authorities to carry out emission-reducing projects which inspire young people and the wider community.

United Nations Accredited teacher of Climate Change Jack Harty explores how Kingsley School in Devon embeds sustainable, environmental and ecological themes at both curriculum and operational levels.

We will hear from architect and sustainable education project specialist Christian Dimbleby how Hackbridge Primary in London was designed and built to the ‘PassivHaus Plus’ standard, becoming the UK’s first true net zero carbon school.

Niel McLean of BCS – The Chartered Institute of IT – will detail how schools can benefit from sustainable technology both inside and outside of the classroom, while Dave Butters of E.ON will discuss electric vehicle charging infrastructure and the smart way for schools and universities to future-proof their provision.


To register, click here

