National Hate Crime Awareness Week 2023

Written byNatasha Morgan

National Hate Crime Awareness Week will take place from 14th – 21st October 2023. Naomi Martin from Commonside Community Development Trust chairs Merton’s Hate Crime Strategy Group. We wanted to help spread the word to local employers and into the commercial sector.

What is a hate crime?

A hate crime is defined as any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s:



Sexual orientation


Transgender identity


Victims or witnesses can report to the police on 999 in an emergency or 101 non-emergency, or online. However we recognise some people may not feel comfortable reporting to the police so there are a number of support services on borough which can assist.


Stop Hate UK Helpline

You can speak confidentially to Stop Hate UK 24 hours a day, seven days a week to report a hate crime or incident:

Call Stop Hate UK free on 0800 138 1625

Text ‘Stop Hate UK’ to 07717 989 025

Report online using the  Stop hate UK website

British Sign Language (BSL) users can report via the interactive BSL link on Stop hate UK website


True Vision provides information about hate crime or incidents and how to report it. It is police funded, and allows you to submit a report to your local police force.


Crimestoppers is a national organisation that allows victims or anyone with any information about crime to report it anonymously.


Hate crime 3rd Party reporting centres in Merton

The centres enable victims and witnesses of hate crime incidents to make reports at independent community locations, where they feel safe and comfortable – follow the link below to locate your nearest 3rd Party reporting centre.

National Hate Crime Awareness Week will take place from 14th – 21st October 2023. Naomi Martin from Commonside Community Development Trust chairs Merton’s Hate Crime Strategy Group. We wanted to help spread the word to local employers and into the commercial sector.

What is a hate crime?

A hate crime is defined as any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s:



Sexual orientation


Transgender identity


Victims or witnesses can report to the police on 999 in an emergency or 101 non-emergency, or online. However we recognise some people may not feel comfortable reporting to the police so there are a number of support services on borough which can assist.


Stop Hate UK Helpline

You can speak confidentially to Stop Hate UK 24 hours a day, seven days a week to report a hate crime or incident:

Call Stop Hate UK free on 0800 138 1625

Text ‘Stop Hate UK’ to 07717 989 025

Report online using the  Stop hate UK website

British Sign Language (BSL) users can report via the interactive BSL link on Stop hate UK website


True Vision provides information about hate crime or incidents and how to report it. It is police funded, and allows you to submit a report to your local police force.


Crimestoppers is a national organisation that allows victims or anyone with any information about crime to report it anonymously.


Hate crime 3rd Party reporting centres in Merton

The centres enable victims and witnesses of hate crime incidents to make reports at independent community locations, where they feel safe and comfortable – follow the link below to locate your nearest 3rd Party reporting centre.
