Managing Business in Uncertain Times Podcast

The first ‘Managing Business in Uncertain Times’ masterclass provides different perspectives from world-class and local experts on how you can recession-proof your business. Our guest speakers for this episode are Michael Martin, Financial Journalist and Founder of Cannizaro Planning, Monica Hunter, an Executive Business Coach and Al Grljevic, Chief Operating Officer at Domestic & General.

If you missed the live event you can click on the image below to listen to the podcast.

This is the first in a series of discussions around navigating economic uncertainty, recruitment, retention and wellbeing in the workplace, cybersecurity, and the future of workspaces.

Don’t miss out on the second event in the series: Building Workplace Wellbeing.  Recruitment, Retention and Resource planning for your business.

Watch this space and book your place as soon as the second Business Masterclass goes live!

Contact Us

Merton Chamber of Commerce Ltd
The Generator Business Centre
95 Miles Road

